Muna Bracelet

Akar Bahar Root and Sterling Silver

Akar Bahar Root and Sterling Silver

A truly magical piece: Akar Bahar - a black flexible root bracelet with a silver tip. This Indonesian root has been ethically harvested by local divers near the coast of Makassar. The root has been used by dukuns (healers) and has been known to contain mystical powers and healing properties.

FREE delivery in Europe. This is a unique one-off item. Once it's sold, it's sold out. You can order your own bespoke version with Silver Tailor using our CONTACT message or by email:

The Process

The process involves a bit of creative magic: researching, thinking, sketching, form searching and 3D modelling. Depending on the complexity of the design to give form to memories and moments, I use various techniques and processes to make the unique pieces: annealing, sawing, cutting, fusing, hammering, casing, wax carving, polishing and many more.

Some processes and pieces take a day or two to make, some can take much longer, especially if casting is involved. The wait is worth it: Memories are made silver!